This dataset must not be used for commercial purposes.

Scientific publications (journal publications, conference papers, technical reports) based on CATARACTS data must cite the following paper:

Al Hajj H, Lamard M, Conze PH, Roychowdhury S, Hu X, Maršalkaitė G, Zisimopoulos O, Dedmari MA, Zhao F, Prellberg J, Sahu M, Galdran A, Araújo T, Vo DM, Panda C, Dahiya N, Kondo S, Bian Z, Vahdat A, Bialopetravičius J, Flouty E, Qiu C, Dill S, Mukhopadhyay A, Costa P, Aresta G, Ramamurthy S, Lee SW, Campilho A, Zachow S, Xia S, Conjeti S, Stoyanov D, Armaitis J, Heng PA, Macready WG, Cochener B, Quellec G. CATARACTS: Challenge on automatic tool annotation for cataRACT surgery. Med Image Anal. 2019 Feb;52:24-41.


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